Mothers Day - Calla Lilly - (May5, 2025, 6PM - 9PM)


Mothers Day - Calla Lilly - (May5, 2025, 6PM - 9PM)


Led By Adlai Stein & Bekah Saikas Mollette

Forge a flower for Mothers Day or Let her forge her own.

Brighten up your home or garden by forging this flower from steel.

In this introductory class we will be forging organic shapes. This class is good for beginning and intermediate blacksmiths who want to explore this hobby with more of an eye towards art. , You will learn to use tools such as hammer, tongs, Scrolling tongs and more.


We are going to be working with temperatures in excess of 1800 degrees Fahrenheit and tools like grinders that could be dangerous if your not cautious. Please wear natural fiber clothing and closed toed shoes. Also bring safety glasses if you have them or you may use ours.

Age requirement is 16 and older (If interested for under 16 please contact for private instruction information).

Must give a minimum of 48 hours cancellation notice in order to receive a refund, minus a 5% fee.

Safety is a priority in our shop, we reserve to the right to end a class at anytime without refund if safety rules are not being followed.